Saturday, March 24, 2012

Etsy Favorites

Geometric Fish pendant by maldonadojoyas
I just discovered maldonadojoyas's shop last night and I love all of the geometric colorful patterns and the funny fish pendant above!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

one week

it's been a little quiet over here. Mainly because I've been living in the art building getting everything done for my BFA exhibition. Next week at this time my show will be up and my stress will be over. heh.

I still have plenty of pincushions to make over the next few days!

Monday, March 12, 2012

On my honor

Did you know that today is the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts? Well you know now.
I started Girl Scouts as a daisy, and then my mom made me stay in when it wasn't "cool" anymore. Then I stayed with it til senior year and became a lifetime member. Commitment. So basically what I'm getting at is this has been a huge (roughly 20 years) of my life and it's even influenced my artwork.

In my first metals class we had to create a container for someone from history. Now I wasn't the rough and tough outdoorsy kind of girl scout. I was the crafty, smore's making expert kind. I was in it for the crafts and the cookies. So I thought what better to make than a campfire tealight holder for Juliette Low because I would probably not be able to make her one in real life.
Happy 100, Girl Scouts!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Back to Basics

Everyone needs a break.
Tomorrow is the start of the last week of classes before spring break. What?!? Since the beginning of the semester I've worked in the studio 15-20 hours every weekend making stuff for my BFA show. I'm at a really good spot right now and I decided to take the weekend off from my BFA show and make some jewelry for "fun". 

 This is actually a piece that I made last semester but I love the simplicity of it. I think I made my point clear that I like spheres. So I made jewelry focused around hemispheres.

Well, back to work!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Etsy Favorites

I love etsy.
There are people in Hong Kong, the Netherlands and all over the U.K. wearing my jewelry along with some pretty awesome places in America. This could never have been possible without etsy. I've had my etsy for almost four years and I've just recently gotten semi-popular so to anyone just starting out- keep going!
Nine times out of ten the money I make on etsy goes right to other sellers on etsy. I can't help it. Handmade is the way to go and nothing from a major chain can compare!! Whew, needed to get that out of my system.
Okay, I'll get off my soap box. I hope to make this a recurring feature where I show a few pieces that I love. So I'll start with some wooden jewelry.

Wooden Yellow Sewing Machine Brooch by lucie0ellen

I first found lucie0ellen's shop when her bunting necklace was featured on the front page but I love her brooches and necklaces made from found images most of them have a retro feel.

DressUp Polly Necklace by Vectorcloud
This necklace by vectorcloud has interchangeable outfits. I know, your inner 5 year old self is screaming! A perfect way to continue any fascination with paper dolls in a grown up way. Also, I have to plug the ocean liner necklace. I have it and it's definitely one of my favorite pieces and I ALWAYS get complements on it. Every single time. 

Yellow bunny suit brooch by littleloveboat
I just recently stumbled upon littleloveboat's shop and fell in love with this brooch. First off, if you know me, I love bunnies. Even though my little one is sometimes a big jerk, he's so adorable it makes up for anything. Second, yellow's my favorite color. Secretly I think this was made for me.

So click on those links and check out the rest of their work. It's just as cute!!