Monday, March 12, 2012

On my honor

Did you know that today is the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts? Well you know now.
I started Girl Scouts as a daisy, and then my mom made me stay in when it wasn't "cool" anymore. Then I stayed with it til senior year and became a lifetime member. Commitment. So basically what I'm getting at is this has been a huge (roughly 20 years) of my life and it's even influenced my artwork.

In my first metals class we had to create a container for someone from history. Now I wasn't the rough and tough outdoorsy kind of girl scout. I was the crafty, smore's making expert kind. I was in it for the crafts and the cookies. So I thought what better to make than a campfire tealight holder for Juliette Low because I would probably not be able to make her one in real life.
Happy 100, Girl Scouts!

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