Saturday, April 14, 2012


Since I was little I always collected little plastic animals amongst a lot of other little things. But I had these animals for a while and never knew what to do with them so I figured I'd make some jewelry!
hippo pendant, now on etsy

squirrel pin, now on etsy

squirrel cameo, now on etsy

blue elephant, now on etsy

duck pond ring

squirrel ring, size 7

poodle ring, nfs

Snail ring, nfs

Everything besides the duck pond ring are one of a kind pieces because I really have no idea where I got those animals. And the poodle ring and snail ring are not for sale because those are my two favorite, the poodle came from a polly pocket set and the snail was always on my dad's dresser and eventually he gave it to me. 
I set up a new section in my shop called menagerie where all of these little creatures are for sale. I can't wait until one of them are adopted!


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