Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A space to work

So, I graduated. It's strange and exciting and depressing all at once. Definitely the worst part of leaving school was having to say goodbye to my own bench in the metals lab.

I've been working at this bad boy for the past two years and it was absolutely perfect. It was big, plenty of drawers and right next to the microwave! The back room was tiny but the walls were lined with everyone's different inspiration and pictures. I just loved that room.

This is my new work bench. Yes, it is an old set of kitchen cabinets with a bench pin screwed onto it and it's in the garage so I always have a fear of bees attacking me (have I mentioned my intense fear of bees??) and I can't really work on ungodly hot summer days. But hey, it works and it's a free space. Luckily it's comfortable out this week so I'm putting of the dread of finding a job to make new jewelry.
Happy graduation! 

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